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Here's the ONLY place you'll learn ALL the secrets of bodybuilding and anabolic steroids use, told by a genuine expert, with nothing held back...
(registered users log in here) Introducing Mick Hart's Private No Bull Discussion If you are looking for MUCH more than just another board, this is it... A totally uncensored "Bodybuilding & Anabolic steroids Discussion and Consultation Board"... personally moderated by one of the worlds leading experts, where you can ask your questions about bodybuilding, training, steroids, injuries, supplements etc. and receive real "No Bull" answers 24 hours a day...
...No other board has a
moderator with Mick's knowledge and experience... and
there is no other board anywhere which offers you access
to such privileged information. You are about to learn
how to join the ranks of a very elite group...
exactly what you'll get as
Access to closely guarded inside information
that's normally only reserved for the professionals
and those in the know.
It provides the essential "environment of support"
- I have often said that bodybuilding is a lonely
sport, and it's true. What you gotta have to get
through the lows this game brings is a place where you
can talk with people who really understand what you
mean, and when your sport is bodybuilding that's not
easy to find.
Faster gains - once you can cut through the crap,
and access real info, then slow gains will be a thing
of the past, of that I can assure you.
Sick and perverted jokes, witty cracks, new
expletives, and more... Now bodybuilding is great,
we love it but that doesn't mean we have to take it,
or ourselves too seriously all the time, and on the No
Bull Board we don't?!?!
You get to know the rest of the "Bulls" - The
board isn't just about Mick Hart, there are a whole
bunch of extremely knowledgeable "Bulls" on the board
who are willing to share what they know with you.
A camaraderie that few boards will ever know - I am
very proud of the "family" that we are developing
here, already we have met up on several occasions with
many of the board member's (I call them "Bulls").
There is a special bonding on the board (which is not
normal to find online) that really does make this a
special place.
And for a
limited time only - I am making you a very special
offer should you decide to join us (see more details below).
...Below you will learn
exactly how you can access this amazing resource all within
the next few minutes.
A Personal Message from Mick:
Let me tell you about something extremely
important if you want to build some serious lean muscle...
Success starts with knowledge.
And the single biggest problem you have if you want to
develop a serious physique, is to avoid the minefield of bullshit "knowledge"
that is offered by the self proclaimed trainers and gurus (who really
know very little), and
find the REAL information that WILL take you where you want to go...
muscled, lean, ripped and
But it's not just the uneducated jerks out there
that will stop your progress with their lousy advice, no my friend - you have it
tougher than that. Yes, even the "off-the-shelf-muscle-mags" are also full of
useless crap. But you already knew that right? Well it's true - they are
designed to sell supplements and
not to really inform you about how to get big and ripped... The other side is that the guys here are
FRIENDLY, have a great sense of humour, and only
want to help you succeed. They share my addiction
to iron!
Other boards are full of people who are just
there to chat or look at pictures or talk about
Oprah's next diet....NOT No Bull!!! I'm confident
that Mick will keep it that way!" Texas Power
...There's no need to waste your time anymore
because as a member of the No Bull Board you will only ever receive USEFUL
Let me give you an example; just in case you doubt
what you can achieve when you access real information. Take a look at what I did with my son Chris in just under 1 year, with only a
tiny bit of steroids! (If you have seen this pictures before on my site(s)
forgive the repetition, it's just to make a point)
Now it wasn't the steroids that did this, they
were merely the icing on the cake, it was
the fact that Chris followed a plan I made for him, one which took him from zero
to British Qualifier in less than 12 months. And that plan meant he used the
best resource available to build your body... information that works
...You see I have already learned most of the
lessons that bodybuilding can teach,
and I simply passed them onto him. And below you will read about exactly how you
too can access that same advice 7 days a week - like having a resident
bodybuilding expert "on tap" waiting to answer all your questions!
bodybuilders are insane... are you?
It's true, most bodybuilders are actually insane. Albert
Einstein defined insanity as “doing the same thing over
and over again and expecting different results”. This
perfectly describes the dogmatic training and eating
habits of most bodybuilders.
Many times
you will see a bodybuilder in the gym who has not changed
his / her appearance one bit in several years and yet is
perfectly content to continue on with the same training
practices, nutrition habits etc.
If you are
not making gradual progress then you need to change
something, and if you're still following the same advice
that got you little results then unless you change that -
you already know what to expect in the future; yup, more
of the same, and expecting anything else would be
So if you
REALLY want to take this sport seriously, then you need to
change the advice you follow.
Cut out
the learning curve by going directly
If you really want to achieve something in the gym
then you have to quit wasting time, and I mean NOW. You see we get lazy, most
bodybuilders don't have (or follow) good advice, and often they get lulled into
thinking there's plenty of time, but you know what - there isn't.
You need to start following serious muscle
building advice NOW, and not waste even 1 more workout listening to fools who
make no progress. This is where the No Bull Board can help you...
...How would you like to
have 24-hour-a-day-access to a training and steroid resource, where
you can literally ask ANY question and be guaranteed
of a quality answer based on years of real experience? And I mean the type of
quality answers which take you to where you want to go! I am talking about the
real deal here, not just another "me too" free board filled with unknowns
who offer unproven advice.
Well it's here, and probably long overdue - "The
No Bull Board" - the holy grail of bodybuilding knowledge. You'll get much more than an
bodybuilding and steroid forum - this board will be
personally managed and moderated by myself.
So what makes me qualified
to offer this advice?
But most importantly...
And on the No Bull Board you will have instant
access to all that knowledge, because I personally monitor it. It doesn't even have to be the raw
but the fact that you CAN AND WILL get help if you
need it. No one is trying to rip anyone off and if
someone doesn't know something they will say so
rather than trying to bull-shit you to appear
clever. "...it just feels nice to know that you
CAN ask questions here and get help..."
"This is direct access to
one of There is not
another board anywhere on the Internet that is managed and
moderated by someone who has coached 80 first placed
athletes in the last 4 years alone. I'm not trying to
"blow my own trumpet" here, it's just a fact. This means that the
knowledge available to you here is simply not easily
available anywhere else, and I won't hold anything back,
that's just not my style.
can ask ANYTHING, we can openly discuss ANYTHING;
steroids, nutrition, supplements, suppliers, cycles, stacks etc. There will be no
censorship...AND you can be assured that I will be
watching and controlling the content so that no one gets
false information or ripped off. I have been on many bodybuilding web sites and
this is the only one I would call home. Real
people with real lives who will help you achieve
your hopes and dreams as well as share all of your
troubles and misfortunes; all with an added touch
of humour and friendship. We are here because
bodybuilding is our lives..."
Having Hands On 24/7 Personal Coaching.." I
do offer personal
"one on one" coaching - but I know that
many people are not yet at the stage where they need such
a level of consultation. However, many people do need,
(and have asked me to offer),
a certain level of coaching - answering questions about
training, nutrition, drugs, all kinds of stacks and cycle
advice - and YES steroid supplier information. So
this is exactly what the new board is all about. More than just a
discussion board - a real "Uncensored Questions
and Answers" on any topic you wish to ask - including
ALL steroid confidentialities, and you can be
guaranteed that the information is as good as it gets. This one gives you the information
straight to the point but with a healthy attitude
of humour in itself. The best thing that I find is
as was mentioned before the information comes from
real people who are as genuinely interested in
your success as you are yourself
All Best of
All, You Get it for
Less than Yes, even though I charge
people thousands of dollars for the same kind of advice,
I'm offering it you, here and now, for less than a
measly 50 cents a day. It's true, for a long
time my most lucrative consulting has been my "Advice
Line" where people happily pay me either $750 a week or
$1400 a month for ongoing telephone, fax and email support
including regular "get togethers" to visually see
progress. My accountant thinks I'm
stupid, he told me I will do permanent and serious damage
to my consulting business, by giving the same info away
for a real fraction of my "Advice Line" prices. But you
know what I don't believe him and I don't care. I want to make this board
like nothing ever seen before, I hate the mainstream mags
with their lies and hypocrisy and I want to get real info
out to the regular bodybuilder in the street who cannot
afford $750 a week. You see that guy will never have a chance if
he can't access info like this. But let me explain
something, these prices WILL NOT LAST FOREVER. I don't
know when and I don't know by how much, but the 50 cents a
day will not last forever, you can count on that.
Here's how the membership subscription works...
Membership costs $14.95 US Dollars a month - about 10
Pounds Sterling, plus a $49.95 initial subscription fee.
Let me explain why we have this initial fee... ... In the past we have
had cases where people have joined the board, and for a
full month asked me all their questions, (including where
they can buy steroids), they have received complete cycles
with dosages etc, massive amounts of nutrition advice,
been told which supplements to take and when, plus trade
secrets about cutting and competition preparation... and
then when their month was up they asked for their money
back using our guarantee... ... The result was they
had a full month of consultation with me and never paid a
penny. Now that's not playing the game, hence I introduced
the initial subscription fee along with the small monthly
amount. Now the purpose of this
board is to put REAL INSIDE information in hands of the
regular guy, for a fair and reasonable... and highly
affordable amount of money... not to have freeloaders
blatantly take the piss out of me. Hence the $49.95
initial fee is there to prevent that in the future. The actual monthly
subscription fee is only $14.95 -- I made it this because
it's about 10 pounds sterling, which really is
ridiculously low... it equates to a daily amount of 50
cents a day (approx 30 Pence) This
amount is nothing compared to what bad information can cost
you. I personally know hundreds of people who have either
been ripped off or who have literally wasted loads of cash
on training and steroids over the years - money that they could have
saved with good advice. I'm sure you know of similar cases
as well. Well
let's just put this 50 cents a day into perspective for a moment. What
can you actually buy for 50 cents (30 pence) a day?
Imagine if you smoked (maybe you do) it's less than 2
cigarettes would cost you. In the UK it's less than the
cost of 1 beer a week (actually it probably is where
ever you live). When you consider what is
on offer, this kind of
investment in knowledge for yourself is exactly that -
an investment, not a cost! Let's face it - what use
is it spending hundreds a month on gym fees, supplements,
food, steroids (maybe) if you don't have the knowledge
necessary to maximize the benefits of all your spending
and training. Without proper knowledge
you could be wasting huge amounts of time and money. It is
pure common sense to find and invest in a reliable source
of information...
TIME ONLY I am going to waive the $49.95 initial fee, see
full details below)
Mick, Why Should I Pay at All There
are indeed many other boards out there, many of them are
free and some who do charge may cost you less than the No
Bull Board will - in money terms that is - you may well end up
paying much more with your health!!! For
example there is a certain very big discussion board that
many people read and take on board some of the most BULLSHIT
info that I have ever seen. Now this particular "board"
is very well known and, as I said, lots of people go on
there seeking the big secrets... But
it's not
happening folks. Many of the readers then come back
to me to re-answer this garbage info they get. What I
discovered recently, is that there are kids as
young as 13 and 14 answering questions to bodybuilders
making out that they are someone they are not! On one
occasion, this guy (kid) was giving out stacks and cycles that
were absolutely unbelievable and above all, dangerous. Be
very careful people as you cannot ever be sure as to who
you are chatting to. The
stacks that I have seen could kill a bull and I suggest
that you do NOT follow any stack or cycle unless they, at the very least,
make some sense. Your lives CAN be at risk if you do...
and I am NOT exaggerating. There is no tried and tested way to police the 'Net
for such things and to be honest the authorities would not
really give a shit now would they? Be VERY careful with
free information, and for your own good NEVER take advice
from a source you cannot trust - it's YOUR health that's
at stake. Really
though there is NO NEED to take these unnecessary risks
when for less than 50 cents a day you
can join the No Bull Board and get outstanding, genuine
and above all RELIABLE information on all aspects of
training, nutrition and drugs.
With Everything In Life You There is no doubting the
quality of the information available to you on the No Bull
Board - and you KNOW that I am always on there - always
available to you. I'm not new to this game. I have
been advising athletes at all levels on bodybuilding,
training and steroids for many years. This is information
you can trust! There will be no 13 year old kids,
no idiots - just serious people, real knowledge, and the
security of knowing that you can speak with someone who
has trained 80 first placed athletes in the last 4 years
alone. Now ask yourself a question. Where else can you do
NOW - Prices WILL Increase Later" I said it above, but
let me repeat it so that you are completely warned. This board is
still relatively
new, and will improve with time as the
"database" of "questions &
answers" and knowledge grows. As a result I will
definitely be raising the prices in the future. So
take advantage now of this offer, and give your training
the edge it needs - REAL NO BULL KNOWLEDGE Don't wait, it just
doesn't make any sense at all to wait, not for the money we are
talking about. When you subscribe right away you will lock in your
$14.95 per month for as long as you remain a member...
irrespective of how much we increase prices you will NEVER pay
more. It's all done with respect and good humour, I'm
hooked. Taff
And Everything is
Backed by I am so confident that you will be
TOTALLY delighted by the
quality of the board that I offer you a full No Bull
guarantee. If EVER you want to cancel your
subscription, I will not only cancel it but also refund your
current month's cash as well (so if that's your first month, you
will have paid NOTHING). There are NO time limits - NO
exceptions - NO reasons required - NO strings of any
kind. Just email me, let me know and thats it. You have
absolutely NO RISK.
In Fact It's Better
than NO RISK Yes - it's actually
better than NO RISK, because not only will you get your
money back, as I have just explained, BUT you also get to keep the FREE
ebook "Tears on a Keyboard" and if you choose to
benefit from any of the other bonuses you also get to keep
them at the discounted prices. I fully understand that
some people will join up, get the ebook and bonuses and then
cancel their membership - but that is my risk! I accept
the fact that a few bums will take advantage of me here, but I will
gladly accept this risk so that genuine people have NO
Board - Best Price - Best Guarantee There
is NO better deal on the Internet if you are looking for a
serious, reliable and trustworthy bodybuilding and steroid
knowledge resource. The only question that remains is will YOU
take advantage of it. You owe it to yourself to try it at least - risk
free. You
have nothing to lose.
Sure About it - Well Let Me Make I understand that even
though there is a better than no risk guarantee, you still
may not be sure what to do. So what about this...
an extremely limited period only I am going to WAIVE the initial
$49.95 fee BUT ONLY IF YOU ACT NOW can you be assured of
this. This means you can
try us for 30 full days completely free of charge, and
completely risk free... let me explain... If during your first
month you decide you DO NOT want to continue your
membership you simply email us and we will cancel your
membership instantly, and we will REFUND your first months
$14.95 -- If however, you are (as we expect you will be),
delighted with the board then your membership continues at
the normal rates automatically, to ensure you get
uninterrupted access to the Board.
Act NOW and you'll also
get the following...
50% discount on my personal consultation rates.
If you ever feel you need more attention than you can
get electronically on the board, you can contract me
for personal consultations that include telephone and
"one on one" contact at a huge 50% discount on my
normal rates. This same service has been used by
Olympic athletes and bodybuilders at all levels right
up to Olympia competitors. As a board member if you
ever need it, it's half price !!
A more than 50% Discount on the electronic versions of
my two best selling steroid books "The Laymans Guide
to steroids I and II" - These book currently sell
for 29 Pounds (approx $42 US Dollars) in my online
store, but you as a member can have them for only $19
US Dollars (about 13 Pounds)
TOTALLY FREE - the electronic version of "Tears on a
Keyboard". A story that EVERY bodybuilder MUST
read. This is for sale for 9.95 Pounds (approx $15 US
Dollars) in my online store, but is FREE to you as a
member, simply because I want you to read it.
A 25% discount on your subscription to the "Online No
Bull Collection" - I have been offering a fully electronic version of the No Bull
Collection for some time now and it is proving a
massive hit. As the No
Bull was not available on the shelves of magazine
stores (no one with the balls to sell such a hardcore mag), it
meant that it could only be obtained through mail order -
but the cost of international shipping made the No
Bull a little pricey for some people. So the new "Online
No Bull Collection" has reduced that cost
and it means that you can have your own No Bull at real
prices. And as a No Bull Board Member you get a
further 25% discount.
A 10% discount on all videos, supplements, books etc.
in my online store (except the No Bull
Collection - paper version). Just send me your board
username when you make the order and we'll deduct the
Discounts on all future books and products
produced by Mick Hart Training Systems.
So Let's Resume... For
an EXTREMELY limited time only... you have the
opportunity to test the No Bull Bodybuilding and Steroid
Consultation and Discussion Board under these terms:
You will probably NEVER get a better opportunity to get
access to this type of information. As you discovered
earlier, there is not
another board anywhere on the Internet that is managed and
moderated by someone who has coached 80 first placed
athletes in the last 4 years alone. This information can
be yours NOW by simply clicking on the link below. I
look forward to seeing you inside.
Don't Wait
Another Moment! Stop Wasting Time Best
P.S. - Are you
still wondering what to do? Is it because of the cash?
As I said before what use
is it spending hundreds a month on gym fees, supplements,
food, steroids (maybe) if you don't have the knowledge
necessary to maximize the benefits of all your spending
and training? Without proper knowledge
you could be wasting huge amounts of time and money. Now
get serious. Isn't it worth much more than $14.95 (risk
free) for
access to a
discussion board with real "Uncensored Questions
and Answers" on any topic you wish to ask - including
ALL steroid confidentialities, where you can be
guaranteed that the information is as good as it gets? Of
course it is. Stop procrastinating. Take action now
and invest in YOURSELF. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Hell even the audio interviews bonus mean you get the deal of your life here...
so please don't put this off for another day...
This could be the most important step you ever take to getting the knowledge and
body you have always wanted, so why wait, get your RISK FREE membership now. Texas Power |
Copyright Mick Hart Training Systems -
Anabolic Steroids and Bodybuilding Information |