50? Hello everyone! Mick, I just wanted to say that you rule
and are the coolest guru around! Anadrol is hard to come by in the
US - it was recently re-approved for use by prescription but the
tablets cost $10 a bloody pill!! I was lucky enough to recently get
a hold of about 30 of them. What do you think would be the best way
to use them? Go psycho and take 3 a day for 10 days? 2 a day for 15
days? Or pyramid up and down staring with 1 a day and going up to 3
a day and then back to 1 a day. I would be stacking them with some
test enanthate. Chris, USA
Chris, First of all, hello to you. Second and thirdly, I
know and I know! Cheers mate. Now then, your question on the Anadrol
(oxy 50). I get asked this one a lot and say the same time after
time. Anadrol is one of, if not, THE strongest steroid available and
not respecting that fact can certainly lead to problems in the long
and short term. Because of it’s strength, it makes sense NOT to
stick to much in at once (a problem that my wife has had for soooooo
long - ahem!). If you are susceptible to water retention, for
instance, to much to quick can boost your weight up so fast you wont
know what has hit you. Nor will you understand why your weight has
dropped so fast too. It is all down to the fact that many forget the
potency of this steroid. Increasing it slowly and surely AND gaining
the weight slowly too, will result in a safer, more long term weight
retention. All to often, beginners are attracted to this steroid
thinking of a quicker way to gains - in all cases it is not so. I
agree that it IS one of the best for strength dn size, but to
respect it is the wisest way. Pyramiding up and down is the best
method especially when you are stacking it with other gears. Using
half a tab to start, moving up to one full tab even in the first
week is a far better method than blowing your balls off after a few
weeks. Believe me this is the safest way of trying Anadrol 50. I
said in my first book that it could “... grow muscles on a tomato.”
and it still can, but you don’t want them on a tomato, so follow
this advice - please!
I have been injecting
steroids now for about six months and my butt has become quite
sore at times. Is there another area that you can safely
inject so that I can relieve the injection sight. I have been
told that you can inject in the leg, but they did not know
whereabouts. Can you
help? David, Hastings.
 Dear
David, Yes mate you can inject in other places but as
always, care must be taken in ALL cases. In the upper thigh,
you must inject on the OUTSIDE of the upper thigh NEVER ON THE
INSIDE, you could kill yourself if you inject there because
there are main arteries that, if punctured, would bleed you to
death - NEVER EVER go there, and I ain’t kidding! The
shoulders are another option as there is little fat in that
area and shorter, thinner needles can be used with no real
problems. I find the delts a great injection site for gear
such as Winstrol Depot. I use the small insulin needles for
this and it works great. Personally, I prefer the outer
shoulder (deltoid) as an alternative to the leg for two main
reasons: 1. It does not hurt as much and 2. I am a
PS - Please take note of the picture that
follows for safety reasons remembering that relationships can
and do get a little heated as one reader found out. His wife
was complaining about the training and so he complained about
the food! She told him to “go shove the training up his arse”
and he said, well you can see the result. And they said that
training was not dangerous!
EFFECTS? I'd like to know if you know of any bodybuilders who
have messed themselves up from taking to much gear. Ever heard of
anyone getting prostate cancer, having a stroke or heart attack,
having liver or kidney failure, or any of the supposed documented
dangerous life threatening side effects of gear abuse?
Concerned User
Dear Concerned, Sorry
concerned user, but all these things CAN affect us unfortunately but
under certain conditions. They are mainly based around the facts
that if that person does not heed advice and just pumps in crap
after crap after, well you know, then yes, big fucking problems will
ensue. In all of my 20 plus thousand years in this game and of ALL
the steroids that I have taken, I have had nothing much more than a
bad headache and maybe the odd 'loose willy' a couple of times. The
reason why GOOD steroid books are what they are is because the
AUTHORS take the time and effort to ensure that the dosages are well
and truly tested - on GOOD GEAR! Pumping more in that is needed is
just a bonus for the hairy assed toss pots that pump it in them for
no reason except for the fact that they like to boast they take more
gear than anyone else. Fuck 'em I say. you will not get any bad side
effects if you listen to good advice. I like the stories that come
back about Mick Hart’s ‘dosages’ being for pussies! My answer to
that is simple. Those who disagree about my stacks, please be honest
and say that you have had problems, cannot get a horn, sweat like
fuck, smell even worse due to the bacteria that is being pumped out
of your body and finally have zits the size of footballs on yer
backs due to the EXCESSIVE amounts of gear that you had been
misinformed about in the past! Sorry but true eh! Please feel
free to contact me if you need any further help or secondly, listen
to some of the sense coming out of this mag! By the way, should any
of you have a story, pictures, article, point of view please send it
in to the NO BULL Collection.
Important rules for injecting purposes only! • Warm your
fluid to body temperature • Keep the area clean • • Keep the
kids away • DON’T fuck kangaroos while on steroids - have a bit
of common sense for God’s sake and wait till you are on your off
cycle! Tut, some people eh??
BIG? How in the world do top bodybuilders get so freaky
huge? Seeing behomeths like Dorian Yates, Ian Harrison, Shaun Davis,
Jean Pierre Fux, Marcus Ruhl, and Gunter Schlierkamp in person is
absolutely mind boggling!! I've been training for 10 years and have
been taking gear for 5 years, but I look like a little boy next to
these guys! Is it the insulin, HGH, and IGF? I've never used
anything but roids. Is it the insulin and HGH? That's what I've
heard is responsible for making bodybuilders of today so much bigger
than they were 10 years ago. Of course genetics is a major factor,
but come on. We've all seen early photographs of Lee Priest, Jay
Cutler, Dorian Yates, and Paul Dillet. These guys are freaky huge,
yet early photographs of them do not show genetic potential for
extreme muscle mass! You can only train so hard and eat so much.
Perhaps it is all genetics and I just don't want to accept the fact
that mine are average or below average. Forgot
Name! Sorry!
Hi Forgot, Remember that when you
see sombody after such a long time, you usually notice a big
difference in the main yeah? Same goes for the BIG guys. Look at it,
of course they take the gear but not necessarily in IGF1, growth or
insulin levels. First of all they have to train, hard, regularly,
consistently, religiously and with TOTAL faith. The gear only helps
you to grow it does not do the job for you. You have to train hard
and them some! No disrespect but I would love to look at your
training schedule, after 5 years you must have gained something? If
not then simple, a few minor adjustments, the right attitude and
fuck it, - you WILL grow. Even now you are thinking, "shit, he is
right!". Want to know something, - to fucking right I am. I have
trained more champs than a whores knickers are up and down. Now get
into that gym and believe in one thing - YOU! Why worry about anyone
else, you are the man! If they get big good, why not stop worrying
about how big they are and get on with the problem of how big you
wanna be. Now get in there and do the BIZZ! I, we, expect to hear
from you with a different attitude and stop wasting your own time.
Ten minutes worrying can be 5 or six sets more. No one said it would
be fucking easy mate. If you have kids think of this - mine think
that I am the biggest and best ANYWAY - so I have won to start with
agree? God bless - now hit it!!!
BODYBUILDERS ARSEHOLES? Why are so many huge bodybuilders
arseholes? Is it because they take so much gear? I've met several
pro bodybuilders who were fucking assholes, yet others who were very
friendly (Ronnie Coleman, Vince Taylor). Do you think some are
dickheads because they're loaded up on so many androgens? Or were
they general dickheads before they ever started taking the gear, and
the gear just added fuel to the fire? What about the nice guys - are
they just not sensitive to the potential asshole behaviour caused by
androgens, or do they just not take enough to make them mean
assholes? Maybe some people have an individual susceptibility to the
potential antisocial, general dickhead personality displayed by
megadose androgen
abusers. Quadster, Texas
WHY? Well I figure
that it’s easy really - most think that the bigger they are the more
intimidating they can be. What they don’t realise is that there is
ALWAYS someone bigger out there to counter what they have. Also a
lot of them most probably were hit by the girls at school and now
think to themselves, “let ‘em come now”, yeah, wankers they are. You
see, if people such as these realised just how much of a twat they
make themselves then they would change overnight into something that
we (REAL) bodybuilders would respect and look up to. People such as
that with attitudes believe that it is there mission to “boldy go
where no bodybuilder has gone before” and basically look a total
prick! Lots of kids look up to such people and eventually mimic
there actions. Same goes for our kids, they mimic us too! I love to
see the type of guys walking out of a gym, arms on hips, elbows just
inside the door jamb and making out that they are so fucking wide
that they would glide if they fell over. Get a life! The people who
DO get noticed are those who train hard, think well and promote
themselves a little more discretely - all of us see them as, we say
often, “having the perfect physique!” I have met many of the top
heroes of the sport and they think that the world owes them a living
- fuck em! Coleman and Taylor I feel are OK guys and it is a
pleasure listening and watching them. These type of people ALWAYS
continue longer in the sport. As for the megadose androgen abusing
factors - those who think they can intimidate others, ought to
remember that when they cannot get a hard on due to the fact that
they have so much fucking extra unused testosterone in their bodies,
they would feel extra shitty when it is revealed that they have not
seen there balls due to a increase of unrequired test. Anyone got
any funny stories of the guys who walk out of the gym looking like
they have lost to rolls of carpet from under their arms??? I will
print them! I rest my case.
SORE BUTT I took a
shot of Sustenon and Sten in my upper left outer quad and got a
nasty hot red wheal all over my bloody quad for about a week. I took
the shot in my quad instead of my arse. I'm trying to avoid shooting
in my arse cheek. I have so much scar tissue. I always use clean,
sterile technique when I inject, so I know I thoroughly cleaned the
injection site before stabbing myself. Anyone ever have this happen
to them? Did I hit a nerve or blood vessel? I 'm certain the gear
wasn't fake - it came straight from a Mexican pharmacy, and I'm
pretty sure there aren't any fakes of Mexican Sten and Sustenon. Is
it the propionate in the sustenon and sten? I've also had a similar
problem in the past with propionate. Any response is appreciated.
Dear Sore, This question is asked so many times
and is usually associated with sustanon and fast acting gears such
as sten or propionate, no one really knows why it hurts so much, it
just does. Sorry to be non-technical here, but that is the case.
Another point is that injecting in the leg is fine but most DO get
pains similar to that of a ‘dead leg’, especially in the leg as
there are more nerves in that area I believe. Personally, I jab in
the delt if I am looking for another jab site, but I prefer the
water based gears when sticking it in there. As I have said
before, warm the gear up well even to holding it in a cup of coffee
to get it really runny and then inject it slow and steady - this
seems to work well. Don’t want to knock your confidence in
counterfeits, but always (if possible) double check as best you
can. Finally, remember that if the gear comes in an alcohol base,
that tends to sting quite a lot most of the time. Keep the needle
nice and steady too, no wobbling it about, that will only rip the
tissue and cause scarring even more. |