Hi Mick, That was one hell of an
article on Anadrol 50 mate. Personally at 45 I've just in the middle
of my first cycle since College Football in the Big 10 in 1974
through 1976 when both knees went and I couldn't walk and I had to
give up something that I had been doing since 7th grade. I was in an
auto accident in 1982 due too a drunken driver going the wrong way
on the interstate. I was leery about doing a cycle from a wheelchair
but got some great advice from some of the guys and then a professor
of metabolic and physiological changes with A.A.S. medications. I
started a 8 week cycle with the infamous dbol at 40mg a day and now
starting week 3 introduced 50 mg of Winny ever other day and to tell
you the truth I'm having a lot of fun.
The wreck left me
paralyzed from the neck down. At first I couldn't lift my arm and if
I could have I at the time would have put a bullet right through my
head. After 3 months of extensive rehab in Inglewood CO I started
lifting without steroids. Very very small gains but I kept up the
natural process with supplements for weight because I lost about 100
lbs in the hospital. Then my friends built a gym in my basement
knowing that bench press well most everything. Slowly things started
coming around. Pretty soon I was lifting 20 lbs with the dumbbells
and then I started thinking about using what the Good Lord left me
to the ut-most. now in the middle of my first cycle in over 20 years
and I'm getting some good gains without risking much because I
naturally drink over a gallon of water a day. I drink high proteins
shakes and eat meat, chicken, anything with protein and I take one
day out of the week and eat mashed potatoes, Fried chicken,
vegetables, fruit, things that because of colitis I have got to be
careful. Your an inspiration to me and have been throughout my
lifting days. And that's more than most are told.
I did take
a long break though and fell into a deep depression and had to sell
my Harley-Davidson’s, two of them. They were my babies. Now I want
to tell you briefly that life has given me a chance at being a
father and referee! Ha Ha! My boy is 14 and 5'10" and about 150 lbs
so I see genetics. My wife is 6' and I'm 6'1" and about 250 lbs
right now. I believe that the water weight retention is probably
gone hopefully and what I've got I deserve.
Well Mick you
have always been a big part of my life because your somebody who
really took the time and effort to know your sport. When I went to
College the trainers and Dr’s. had the rigs in the locker pre-loaded
with oral on the side. Plus it was all legal. Now we have to watch
are kids from ecstasy, P.C.P., meth and crack now they want to bust
us. I don't get it. Take care my friend. I plan on another cycle
with some Sus, and a few other's but I also know that I'm getting
older but I don't feel older. From a friend who admires your
stability, knowledge, hard hard work, work didn't put me in this
chair some drunk that is still out there still drinking and driving
from what I here. One sweet day his ass will be mine. Thanks for
everything Mick. Your friend, Tanner.
Dear Tanner, You have more balls than many I know who
are not in chairs my old mate. For someone to have drive and
determination such as yourself makes it even more awe inspiring to
me personally and makes my workouts seem that little bit easier
mate. You have my sincerest best wishes and admiration. I get
phone calls from losers who cannot grasp the simple fact that you
only get out of life what you put into it and training is a big part
of said life my friend. You have already overcome the hardest battle
and that is to not give up. It is I who admires YOUR hard work sir -
without doubt.
No association at all with any topic here - I
just think that Bin Laden is a TOTAL cunt!
Dear Mick, I am 58 years old and have been training
for 40 years - never taken any gear! I still train hard and quite
heavy, I am 5' 11' 100kg. As you can imagine I am starting to get
some discomfort during training especially elbows and found it more
difficult to maintain the same muscularity even with a good diet and
cardio work. I have read your book (Layman’s Guide), seen the
video and subscribed to NO Bull mag, which I found informative and
amusing. However because of my age I am more curious about steroids,
and although I have read your cycle for the older man there are
certain aspects of it that I am unsure about. 1. I notice you did
not include Deca? Would this not help my joint problem? How much -
200mg per week? 2. You highly recommended Andriol (I like the
wet woobine analogy!) but some sites on the net suggest that it is
ineffective - I know that has not been your experience! 3. Why do
you recommend Testoviron instead of for example sustanon for the
older man? How much 250mg per week? I would like to try a cycle,
and would appreciate your advice. I am sorry to ask so many
questions but I simply like to understand what I am taking and how
it works also over the years I have seen the side affects in various
gyms of over use or abuse, and being older have concerns about my
prostate health and coming off cycle without adverse
affects. yours sincerely Drew Davidson
Drew, First of all, thanks for subscribing - it helps believe me
mate. As for the joint problems, yes I know, I have the same
problems and deca will indeed help - a lot. It would be no problem
to add the deca to the older mans cycle, but I did not put it in for
any other reason but there are so many cycles that will work for WE
older man. As for your age, taking gear is easier really the
older you are as I have said many times we lose the high levels of
natural testosterone as we get older. Using gear only boost those
levels back to normal really. Great for feeling younger too! The
side effects thing is greatly reduced and even taken out when the
proper dosages and systems are used. As for Deca, in that stack I
would suggest 200mg every fifth day to be honest with one of those
shots being put into the same syringe as the first shot of
testoviron. The reason I say testoviron on this occasion is simple,
I find that using test gives me that much more mass and quality
muscle and quality muscle will create more mass thinning the skin as
it grows. It works well for me and does not produce to much water
retention if it is not abused. Sustanon gives me great strength
gains as well as mass, but I feel that the test has the edge that
little bit more mate. Andriol? They don’t know their fucking arse
from their elbows Drew. Why? Because all they want to do is use the
heaviest, most toxic gears they can in the thought that they can do
it no other way. Twats! If it takes a little bit longer, it does and
Andriol IS known as one of the safest steroids about and it WORKS
believe me. Do we have to use the hardest and most toxic gears - no
we don’t. That’s why people using my cycles don’t get shit side
effects AND they grow - in safety.
Dear Mr.
Hart, My question is regarding those energy bars that are
supposed to help you through a workout. The guy at the gym I go to
says that they are perfect for bodybuilders as they contain ALL that
is needed for a workout. He also tells me that the sugar in these
bars is not the same sugar as that which make you fat - is he
right? I figure that what he tells me is a bit suspect as at
£2.50 per bar, I would think that he would say that. Love the mag -
keep up the good work. Andy
Walker, Nottingham
Dear Mr. Walker, You have
answered it yourself mate - of course he would say that; at that
price he would! The sugar in those bars is sugar - plain and simple.
Whether it is white or brown, it is sugar and if you take to much,
you will get fat I can guarantee that. I agree that they will
help you get through a workout but they are only as good as say a
bagel! I know the convenience is there but don’t be fooled.
Researchers at a state university in the States did some research on
bars like these and found that you can get exactly the same amount
of energy from a bagel as from an energy bar. There was no
difference in the tests. Personally, some of the shit that I have
tasted over the years is just that - shit! Cardboard would be a good
description to be honest. No disrespect to you mate, but some people
can be fooled so bad that if an advert said that having a wank with
a sticky glove dipped in broken glass would work - there would be a
helluva lot of bloody nobs around, I think that you would
agree. I would say, take some pasta and egg in a plastic
container for before and after training, or even better, baked
potatoes cold are a great source of carbs!
Mick, What is the crack with this injectable silicone stuff?
What does it actually do? I have heard that it swells the area up or
something and can increase the size in a matter of hours. What is it
all about and have I got it right? If it works that well, is it safe
to have a go if it works that well? My calves have always been a
little under par and so have my pecs. Can you inject into these
areas safely? D. Kaplinsky, Co.Durham
I disagree with Mick totally; energy bars
work for ME!
 TOP TIP: Feed directly
into Japs eye
Dear D, I think that you have them mixed up mate. I
will explain. The silicone thing can be done in two ways. First, as
with boobs, they can implant it into virtually any body part to make
it look instantly bigger - even in your dick! Ouch But to be honest,
those who complain about gear and then have silicone type rubber
implants on top of their muscles are total twats! That is cheating
and TRUE! Shit, even with gear you have to train your balls of and
then some to get results. Instant muscles - to fucking right they
are. Next they will be able to pump them up to the desired size for
any occasion.
 
As for the ones that increase the muscle size
by swelling. Well that is something called “Pump ‘n’ Pose. It is an
injection that is put directly into the muscle part that they are
wanting to increase i.e. biceps, calves etc. It can last for as
little as a few hours to days and longer now I believe. Competitors
stick it in when they have a lagging body part. Personally I think
it is a shit way and usually makes the area look smooth and in many
cases out of proportion. (see pics). Years ago there used to be a
product called Essiclene (spelling?) which did the same thing and
when injected made the area swell up about an inch or more and it
had a type of anesthetic as part of its break down. It would have to
be for me to use it - even though I never did! Not a furking prayer
mate. To stick a 2” pin into my arse is bad enough, to stick it into
my BICEP - NOT! I would sooner stick my head into a lions open jaws
and whip it’s LOVE SPUDS with a wet towel! Yeah, that much of a
chance pal. My opinion? Leave it well alone, especially the silicone
shit. As I have always said mate, once you have put it in - you
ain’t getting it out.
Lift weights - eat good food - sleep a
lot and do it all again and again and again. You will find that THAT
will work - guaranteed!
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